Unabridged Death Certificates

We offer a service in which we expedite the process involved with acquiring an Unabridged Death certificate for people who needs urgently with fewer worries.


Unabridged Death Certificates

We offer a service in which we expedite the process involved with acquiring an Unabridged Death certificate for you. We can lodge an application for the Unabridged Death certificate on your behalf and have the process expedited or we can assist you if you have already lodged an application at a local branch of Home Affairs. We can process your Unabridged Death Certificates for you.

Contact us today in order to have your Unabridged Death Certificates urgently processed!  


New Applications for Unabridged Death Certificates:

Applying for your Unabridged Death Certificate

You will need to do is complete the BI32  form in full, scan it and send it back to us at certificates@telkomsa.net .

We will also need you to sign a power of attorney form to enable us to make the submission on your behalf.

Please also contact the place of burial or cremation and request the notice of Death this document will assist us in having the application processed in head office.

Save yourself many hours of unpleasantness! Avoid standing in queues that often exit the building and in some instances stretch around the block. Why wait for hours only to be told the system is offline and have to do it again the following day. We will have the application for your Unabridged Death certificate submitted at a local branch of Home Affairs on your behalf!

We will send the form off to our contact at the head office of the Ministry of Home Affairs to have the application processed and authorisation to print sent though to the local branch, This is the part of the process that causes the biggest delays if left without intervention .

Avoid having to return to the oppressive queues and wait hours just to collect your certificates when they are ready, we will also collect the certificate on your behalf.

The process takes on average 4 to 6 weeks

We also offer to courier the certificates  to your home or office when they are ready.

The entire process can be done from the comfort of where you are sitting right now, to begin complete the contact form at the bottom of the page.

Assistance with existing applications for Unabridged Death Certificates:

This service is offered to people who have already submitted their application for an unabridged Death certificate at their local home affairs branch and are not in a position to wait or for people who  are experiencing difficulties in completing the process. We can assist you by having these applications for Unabridged Death Certificates expedited.

All you need to do is complete the BI32 form and mail it back to us along with the proof of payment.

Please also contact the place of burial or cremation and request the notice of Death this document will assist us in having the application processed in head office.

We will send the form off to our contact at Head office, who will locate the file pertaining to your application, moderate it on the Home Affairs system and have  authorisation to print the your Unabridged Death certificate sent to the local branch where the application was made. You will receive an sms informing you that your Unabridged Death Certificate is ready for collection. This is the part of the process where the delays are caused if the process was to be left to run its course without our intervention.